Zometool – The Hyperdō

by Zometool
  • 185.00 CHF
  • Out of stock
  • Suited to: 12 to adult

This maths and physics 4D construction kit get children playing with different dimensions. Just as 3D objects can cast 2D shadows, 4D models can cast 3D shadows.  And what better way to understand these kinds of concepts than through play. The Hyperdo comes with 970 individual parts for some great building and shadow-making.  Download instructions for Hyperdo here.

  • Encourages affinity to geometry and mathematics
  • Enhances logical and dimensional thinking
  • Improves problem-solving skills and spatial skills
  • Encourages imagination and creativity

Language – English

Includes 640 Struts, 330 Nodes. 970 Total Parts.