Crystal Growing

by Thames & Kosmos
  •  38.50
  • Only 3 left in stock
  • Suited to: 10 to adult


Grow dozens of dazzling crystals and conduct 15 illuminating experiments with this classic science kit. Experiment with four chemically different crystals each with different properties, including potassium alum crystals that form regular octahedrons, rapidly growing sodium sulfate crystals, long needle-shaped sodium acetate crystals, and plaster which is made from gypsum crystals.

Mould fun plaster shapes, including stars, lightning bolts, dolphins, and pyramids, and grow layers of crystals on them. Use dyes to form coloured crystals, and mix the dyes to grow a rainbow of custom coloured crystals. Display your crystal creations in a clear treasure chest with a locking lid. Mould your own geode — a hollow rock with crystals growing inside — and create a beautiful crystal cavern inside.

Experiment with growing crystals rapidly and slowly, and observe how that affects the crystal structures. See if you can grow one giant crystal and many small crystals on the surface of a rock.

Measure how the crystallisation of solids out of a solution, and the dissolution of crystals back into solution, affect the temperature of the solution. Learn about the energy of crystallisation. Investigate solutions, crystallisation, and the chemistry of crystal growing. Learn about the structures and geometries of different crystal shapes.

This kit is thoroughly tested and safe: Over one million units of this kit have sold worldwide. A full-colour, 32-page experiment manual guides your experiments in crystal chemistry and Earth science.

  • Critical thinking
  • Analytical problem solving
  • Attention to detail
  • Understanding cause and effect

View Manual here